Dec 12, 2008

what's with the zips?

So I bought a hundred zips on ebay. I only needed a couple - but it was a total bargain (AU$10 for reals) so why wouldn't I buy 100? Now I need 98 other things to do with zips.

Let the countdown begin!

also, you should totally suggest zip projects for me. i mean you're here aren't you? on a blog about zips. you're as mental as me.


  1. well I saw a good thing once
    it was a notebook, and the cover was made of all zips lined up
    the disappointing thing was they they didnt go anywhere - no secret note compartments
    betch could do that

  2. I saw a cool pencil case entirely made of zips, and any of them would provide the opening into the case as it wasn't lined. All different colours- a rainbow striped extravaganza...
